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  • What Is Workplace Culture And Why does It Matter?

What Is Workplace Culture And Why does It Matter?

To understand the concept of workplace culture, Imagine a whole set of norms, habits, and values which are shared by the different people or groups that make up a company.

Although we can find many companies that offer the same products or services, as customers, we will always feel more identified and close with one or the other.

This is because companies have a great personality and a workplace culture that defines them in their way of acting and, ultimately, in their way of selling and serving the customer.

Because through the workplace culture, a whole series of norms and values are governed that the workers must assume and reflect in the face of the client, in the face of their target audience.

In short, workplace culture describes the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs, and values  of a company.

It is a whole set of rules and values that are shared by people of the same organization and that control the way in which the company interacts as a whole, both in its own environment and abroad, with its different interest groups.

workplace culture

Why it matters?

Keeping in mind the culture in the business organization is essential. According to, American motivational writer, and speaker, business culture can be strong or weak and also the impact of positive workplace or impact of negative workplace both matters for the company.

Companies with a strong organizational culture are characterized by having very firm values and accepted by all its members, which translates into a high involvement of workers for the achievement of the mission and business objectives set by the company.

However, a company that has a weak culture means a demotivated and under-involved staff, with a lack of freedom and confidence to make decisions, a management little interest in its workforce, lack of stimulation methods, lack of incentives, low business productivity, etc.

That is, the importance of the organizational culture lies in the fact that its employees and other interest groups (such as customers) must feel identified with it, must be reflected, and explore the company's success as their own. Because a company with weak and undefined values ??makes it difficult for its employees to feel interested in its operation and evolution.

Therefore, it is the mission of the founders and the management of the company, to transmit in time to all the members that are part of it and to carry out a whole series of activities that encourage, activate and develop said organizational culture.

How? Through awards and incentives, organization of seminars and various training courses, etc. All this in order to strengthen business values ??and beliefs, working for the development of a strong organizational philosophy.

Types of workplace Culture

Depending on the type of company you have and the objectives that are set the workplace Culture can be or, adopt certain characteristics of the following types:

1. Responsible culture:

Oriented in the work of social, ethical, and integral interest. Values are generally promoted and used as the moral north of the organization.

A sustainable model of resource utilization is adopted to ensure the perpetuity of the company.

In addition, it focuses on meeting the needs of customers. That is, all the efforts of employees and managers are placed in this area.

2. Humanistic culture:

Focused on a model of attracting talent and generating relationships, using effective communication.

Its leverage is generated after the attraction, development, and stimulation of talents within the organization.

They promote teamwork, solidarity and the ability to unite knowledge and skills for a common purpose.

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3. Competitive culture:

A culture focused on innovation, creativity, and allowing the initiative to each employee. So each member has the ability to reinvent themselves to allow development.

Achievements and obtaining positive results are rewarded, as well as behaviors and processes aimed at the highest level of performance.

However, these types are not intended to typecast your organization into one. The ideal scenario is when you apply features of each to define the personality of your company.

impacts of positive workplace

How is workplace Culture implemented?

Now, let's talk about the practice and how, with these concepts you learned, you can implement it in your company:

  • Hire people related to your culture

An employee when he feels identified with the organization is more productive and happy.

Therefore, in addition to evaluating their skills in the hiring process, you must evaluate that their profile is compatible with the values of your company.

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  • Stimulate cooperation

When employees are competing with each other in an organization, they don't focus on being more productive or making decisions that benefit the whole group.

You should avoid favoritism and always prioritize collective needs over individual ones.

  • Congruence with the mission, vision, and principles

These aspects are intended to inspire employees and members of the company. Therefore, making decisions aligned with these values ??is essential.

Beyond the money they receive, the members of the company should know that they belong to a coherent organization.

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  • Rate the opinions

Sometimes the best ideas come from where you least expect it. Each employee must be heard in their proposals and needs always respect their knowledge and abilities.

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