It’s Time to Dive into Some Work-Life Challenges In Tanzania

posted:2 years agobyMarry JoJoin Work Life
Living and working in Tanzania with different languages and different cultures has its benefits and challenges. The biggest benefit we all see is the huge salary and our exposure to a new country. Living in Tanzania like aliens is very difficult but people are desperate to live this life to earn well for their families.
Staying in Tanzania as a foreigner is difficult and challenging for many people. Living in any other developed country wouldn't be this challenging. Tanzania is a developing country and the situation of the country’s economy plays an important role in the challenges a person's faces while living there.
Work-life challenges are the difficulties a person faces at the organization he or she is serving at. The standard of comfort for employees in an organization affects a lot of their outcomes. Workplace challenges are very common and every place in the world has these issues with locals and foreigners too.
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Two working in the same country will have different issues regarding workplace challenges. Employees should learn to deal with these challenges, it will help them to increase their performance in the organization. We have accumulated the following challenges and given a few tips to solve these challenges after encountering a few foreigners working in Tanzania.
Communication and Relationships
Communication is the biggest challenge for people living in Tanzania. The local language of Tanzania is Swahili. English is their second language. If the communication barrier is there the workplace relationship with colleagues doesn't work well.
Your professional relationships with your colleagues help you with day-to-day chores and also help you to overcome issues in office politics.
Good relationships at the workplace always contribute to the office environment and enhance positive outcomes for the employees. So the conclusion is good communication creates strong professional relationships which result in the betterment of the organization.
Rapid Change in World
Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world a lot has changed since then. The last few years have taught me many things about people. This change has shaken the developed and undeveloped countries in the same ways worldwide. Pandemic has shown how unpredictable the world's economy can be.
The office culture and norms changed in the last few years. People started working from home and it affected everyone in the hierarchical structure. The uncertainty caused issues for people who were not ready for any sort of change. People lost their jobs because they couldn't adapt to new changes like working from home or they weren't able to use laptops, zoom or Skype meetings.
Advanced Technology
Not accepting technological changes can cause serious harm to the organization as well as employees on an individual level. People who have been working for organizations since they were young are not ready to accept automation in office work as they fear it will make them surplus and they'll lose their jobs. This unacceptable behavior is costing the organization a huge waste of time in doing office work. This ineffectiveness of employees is decreasing the productivity of the organization.
Workplace Environment
The workplace environment directly affects the productivity of employees of the organization. A positive work environment helps in employees' motivation resulting in increased productivity. Gender inequality and office harassment issues affect the environment of the workplace. Few organizations have special departments to deal with these issues. The security and support of organizations towards their employees bring positivity to the work environment.
Job Security and Succession Plan
Job security, succession plan and career growth are the main issues an employee always has with their employers. The covid-19 pandemic has added more fear to it, the job uncertainty of the employees has increased in the last few years. People who were working with traveling organizations lost their jobs.
The lockdown has damaged people emotionally and psychologically. All an employee needs now is certainty about job security and want to know about the succession plan of the firm so he can determine where he will be short.
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Training techniques
The technique used in the training process of employees is no more effective now. The world has changed a lot in the last few years and organizations haven't yet improved their techniques of training their staff as per world requirements. The training methods are old and to cope with world advancements. Organizations need to level up their training programs and methods to improve the outcomes.
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Employee Rewards
The employee rewarding system of organizations decides the productivity of the organization. A happy and satisfied employee put all his efforts into accomplishing the hardest job for the organization. As we all know, we will be paid and awarded for the efforts we put into the organization's business. The dissatisfied employees never put their efforts in the favor of the organization. It is the reward system which keeps them motivated.